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Referrals are Golden – Handle with Care
Sun, May 5 2013 01:39
| Networking and Interviewing
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Referrals are golden . . .when it comes to your job search. So, treat then like the gold they are!
A referral really can be golden. Referrals can open doors to company decision makers and organization influences that would not be opened any other way. So when a network contact hands you a referral, handle it with care!
Being referred to a well connected and influential person can
Avoid the #1 "Conversation-Killing" Networking Question - PART 4: How to . . . Ask the 4 Target Questions
Sun, Apr 28 2013 04:29
| Networking and Interviewing
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"Do you know of any job openings?" If the answer is “NO,” it’ll be a short conversation.
“Do you know of any job openings?” is an ill-advised way to open a networking conversation. In fact, it’s a “conversation killer!”
Parts 1, 2, and 3 of this 4-part Networking-HOW TO-series discussed the importance of communication skills and
Avoid the #1 "Conversation-Killing" Networking Question - PART 3: How to . . . Active Listening Goes for the Gold
Sun, Apr 28 2013 06:53
| Networking and Interviewing
| Permalink
"Do you know of any job openings?"
If the answer is “NO,” it’ll be a short conversation.
“Do you know of any job openings?” is an ill-advised way to open a networking conversation. In fact, it’s a “conversation killer!”
Parts 1 and 2 of this 4-part Networking-HOW TO-series discussed how to have a productive conversation by
Avoid the #1 "Conversation-Killing" Networking Question - PART 2: How to . . . Listen More -- Talk Less
Tue, Apr 23 2013 07:01
| Networking and Interviewing
| Permalink
Do you know of any job openings? If the answer is “NO,” it’ll be a short conversation.
you know of any job openings?” is an ill-advised way to open a
networking conversation. In fact, it’s a “conversation killer!”
Part 1 of this 4-part Networking-HOW TO-series explained why! It also explained the make-up of a good 1-to-1
Avoid the #1 "Conversation-Killing" Networking Question - PART 1: How to . . .Set the Stage for a Good Conversation
Sun, Apr 14 2013 06:15
| Networking and Interviewing
| Permalink
Do you know of any job openings? If the answer is “NO,” it’ll be a short conversation.
you know of any job openings?” is an ill-advised way to open a
networking conversation. In fact, it’s a “conversation killer!”
Why can’t you ask this “conversation-killer” question? . . . Because
if the answer is “No I don’t”,
Networking: Do I have to?
Mon, Apr 1 2013 08:28
| Networking and Interviewing
| Permalink
Do I have to? . . . . Yes you do if you want to find a better position in a shorter amount of time!
If you dread the idea of
going up to strangers whose paths you cross and striking up a
conversation, you are far from alone. Many, if not most folks - if the
truth were told - deplore the idea. They’d prefer a root canal!
The"Hidden Market"
the truth also to be told
How To Work A Job Fair
Tue, Mar 26 2013 06:37
| Networking and Interviewing
| Permalink
Tips on How to Seize the Opportunities of a Job Fair
"Do they have any jobs?" asks a job seeker upon hearing that there is going to be a Job Fair.
"No, they don't have any openings at this time."
"Then what is the point of going to the Job Fair?" ask a job seeker.
is the point indeed? There is a big point in attending a job fair and
talking with companies
The #1 Interview Question
Thu, Mar 21 2013 06:00
| Networking and Interviewing
| Permalink
The #1 Interview Question: Tell me about yourself!
The interview is beginning. The interviewer looks across her desk and asks the interview "ice breaker" question to start the conversation. . .
"Why don’t you tell me a little about yourself?”
The interviewee stammers a little, hems and haws, clears his throat, and begins a monologue that goes on
The # 1 Networking Question to Avoid. . . .
Mon, Mar 18 2013 07:34
| Networking and Interviewing
| Permalink
What is the Number 1 Question to Avoid when beginning a networking conversation?
"Do you know of any job openings?"
Why? If the answer is “NO,” it’ll be a short conversation.
Instead of asking this conversation-killer, plan ahead. Plan to ask questions that draw your networking contact out. Ask
Networking Meetings Generate Interviews
Mon, Mar 11 2013 07:07
| Networking and Interviewing
| Permalink
Networking can lead to interviews. Getting comfortable with networking can generate the kind of meetings and conversations in which you uncover leads to your next position or to enhance the one you already have!
Why networking? Through networking, you can often identify needs before they turn into openings, and openings before they are announced on the Open Market. With networking, you