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Re-Focus & Re-Energize Your Job Search For Fall
Wed, Aug 16 2017 10:19
| Planning and Strategy
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Get Ready . . . Get Set . . .
Want to hit the ground running in fall? Then use the techniques and strategies below to re-focus and re-energize your job search now.
Autumn is one of the most
active times of the hiring year.
Companies, resuming their normal hiring activity following the slower
pace of summer, now focus on meeting the staffing needs of programs and
projects beginning
To Vacation or Not To Vacation? . . . . . The Real Co$t of That Week Away
Mon, Jun 26 2017 02:10
| Planning and Strategy
| Permalink
To Vacation or Not To Vacation . . . . . That Is One Question? But, not the only one. The bigger question is what is the real Co$t
of that week away? The article below
discusses 3 questions to answer before deciding to go on a vacation.
It’s that time of year.
Friends, families, colleagues . . . well, it seems everyone is going on
vacation. What about you?
Delivering An Effective Presentation in an Interview
Fri, Apr 14 2017 02:35
| Networking and Interviewing
| Permalink
Many job seekers are asked to make a presentation as a part of their interview process.
- If they deliver an effective presentation to the interview team, they’ll likely move on to the next step of the interview process.
- If they deliver a great presentation they may find themselves being made an offer for the coveted position.
Making a presentation is a fairly standard
Job Search Management - Getting Organized
Thu, Mar 23 2017 01:35
| Planning and Strategy
| Permalink
A Job Search Strategy . . . Get organized in 7 key areas
Invest the time up front to get organized. It will speed up your job search in the long run!
Just beginning? For those of you planning to begin a job search in the new year, and thinking you have to wait until January to begin work on your search, doing the things described in this article can help you plan and move into your search
Be a Project Manager to Find a Better Job, Faster
Thu, Mar 23 2017 09:20
| Planning and Strategy
| Permalink
Use Project Management Techniques to Find a Better Job, Faster ...
An Overview of the Process for Finding the
Job You Really Want
Ever been a project manager? Or, have you ever managed a project or a
program from inception to fruition? If you answer Yes, then you’ll find
Preparing Your Network for the Changes of a Job Search
Tue, Mar 21 2017 03:50
| Planning and Strategy
| Permalink
Prepare your family and friends for the challenge of change . . .
You’ve heard the expression: “It takes a village.” This old and familiar expression applies to many things in life, and your job search is no exception.
Who’s in your village?
When it comes to thinking about the village of people who will be involved in your job search, most people's thoughts first
Comments (1)
What do We REALLY Mean by Follow-up?
Fri, Jun 17 2016 12:08
| Planning and Strategy
| Permalink
A Job Search Strategy - - “What do I do?” . . .
How Do You Follow-up?
Most job seekers know, or discover shortly into their job
search, that you need to follow-up. For
instance, if you mail a resume to a target employer, you follow-up. Or, if you meet with a network contact, you
Follow-up is an integral and essential part of job
searching. So,
Key Precepts of a Successful Job Search
Fri, Apr 22 2016 02:54
| Planning and Strategy
| Permalink
precept >noun 1 a general
rule regulating behavior or thought.
2 a writ or warrant.
3 Brit. an order issued by one local
authority to another specifying the rate of tax to be charged on its behalf.
-ORIGIN Latin praeceptum 'something advised'.
How you think about your job search is just as critical to the success
Navigating the Ups-and-Downs of Job Loss . . . and Job Search
Fri, Feb 12 2016 11:52
| Planning and Strategy
| Permalink
Why Do Job Searches Fail?
Tue, Jan 12 2016 11:18
| Planning and Strategy
| Permalink
New Year’s
Resolutions . . .
It's that
time of year when folks observe the tradition of making New Year's
They join gyms,
start exercise programs, begin diets, take courses to learn a new language, and
right up there among the most popular Resolutions is the vow to find a new job!
And, they
vow this