This page shows the 10 most recent articles. To see more, visit our article archives page.

Get Organized Up Front for a Better Search

 Getting organized up front in your job search will yield quicker and better results!There’s nothing as frustrating as not being able to locate a critical email or a certain copy of your resume when you need them . . . such as  . . .  . . . when a recruiter unexpectedly calls during dinner and you can’t find the copy of the resume you sent to his company.  Or, . .
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Finding a Job in Tough Times . . . First Step: Get Prepared

Way back when in the First Quarter of the year, you made a New Year’s Resolution:  This would be the year you land that new position!  And then, life happened!  The events of this year may have changed those plans.  It's happened to a lot of folks and it may have happened to you!  However, as you look at the remaining months of the year, know that it is not too late. 
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Changing Your Career WITHOUT Starting at the Bottom

Changing Your Career WITHOUT Starting at the Bottom Changing jobs is hard. . . . . . . . . .Changing Careers is harder.  But if doing something different is on your mind, don’t let anything stop you.  Know that changing your career’s direction is very doable providing you are realistic about what it will take to achieve your goal.  As job markets improve, unemployment
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Re-Focus & Re-Energize Your Job Search For Fall

Get Ready . . . Get Set . . . Want to hit the ground running in fall?  Then use the techniques and strategies below to re-focus and re-energize your job search now.  Autumn is one of the most active times of the hiring year.  Companies, resuming their normal hiring activity following the slower pace of summer, now focus on meeting the staffing needs of programs and projects beginning
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To Vacation or Not To Vacation? . . . . . The Real Co$t of That Week Away

To Vacation or Not To Vacation . . . . . That Is One Question?  But, not the only one.  The bigger question is what is the real Co$t of that week away?  The article below discusses 3 questions to answer before deciding to go on a vacation. It’s that time of year.  Friends, families, colleagues . . . well, it seems everyone is going on vacation.  What about you? 
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Job Search Management - Getting Organized

A Job Search Strategy . . . Get organized in 7 key areas Invest the time up front to get organized.  It will speed up your job search in the long run! Just beginning?  For those of you planning to begin a job search in the new year, and thinking you have to wait until January to begin work on your search, doing the things described in this article can help you plan and move into your search
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Be a Project Manager to Find a Better Job, Faster

Use Project Management Techniques to Find a Better Job, Faster ...            An Overview of the Process for Finding the Job You Really Want          Ever been a project manager?  Or, have you ever managed a project or a program from inception to fruition? If you answer Yes, then you’ll find
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Preparing Your Network for the Changes of a Job Search

Prepare your family and friends for the challenge of change . . .  You’ve heard the expression:  “It takes a village.”  This old and familiar expression applies to many things in life, and your job search is no exception. Who’s in your village?  When it comes to thinking about the village of people who will be involved in your job search, most people's thoughts first
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What do We REALLY Mean by Follow-up?

A Job Search Strategy - - “What do I do?” . . .  How Do You Follow-up? Most job seekers know, or discover shortly into their job search, that you need to follow-up.  For instance, if you mail a resume to a target employer, you follow-up.  Or, if you meet with a network contact, you follow-up.  Follow-up is an integral and essential part of job searching.  So,
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Key Precepts of a Successful Job Search

precept >noun           1 a general rule regulating behavior or thought.  2 a writ or warrant. 3 Brit. an order issued by one local authority to another specifying the rate of tax to be charged on its behalf. -ORIGIN Latin praeceptum 'something advised'. How you think about your job search is just as critical to the success
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Navigating the Ups-and-Downs of Job Loss . . . and Job Search

Recently I was reminded about the emotional side of job loss.                                                                         
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Why Do Job Searches Fail?

New Year’s Resolutions . . .       It's that time of year when folks observe the tradition of making New Year's Resolutions.    They join gyms, start exercise programs, begin diets, take courses to learn a new language, and right up there among the most popular Resolutions is the vow to find a new job!        And, they vow this
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The Holidays . . . The Most Dangerous Time of the Year

The holidays – the most wonderful time of year. Except when it comes to job seeking. Then they can become the most dangerous time of the year! Why?  . . .  Because the holidays, fraught with frustrations, temptations, disappointments, and misunderstandings, can lead to the demise of your job search – that search that you have been working on so diligently until holiday activities
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Take Advantage of Fall Hiring Opportunities - 5 Steps to Take

Beginning a job search? Reviving an abandoned search you started earlier this year? Revving up a lagging, low-energy job search? If you find yourself in any of the above situations, the time is right for you to be pro-active when it comes to your career. Fall has arrived, and with it opportunities. . . .  So, for those who have been thinking about a career change, the time is right. 
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Lost Your Job? Hated It Anyway? . . . Don’t Throw Out the Baby With the Bath Water

When faced with a job loss, many job seekers feel mixed emotions.  On one hand, they fear the loss of their position and income.  On the other, if it was a job they disliked, or even “hated,” they feel relief at being let go and not having to go back to “that place” of employment one more day! If you find yourself in this situation, know that it’s a pretty common phenomena
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Top 10 Questions From Beginning Job Seekers

Top 10 Questions Thinking of beginning a job search?  It can be overwhelming!  It seems like there are so many possibilities to pursue, and sources for jobs to check into! Where do you start? What should you focus on? What do you spend your time on? You can do lots of things - How do you search for 4 or 6 different types of jobs? A beginning job seeker can have a lot of questions
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6 Mistakes to Avoid When Hiring a Job Search Coach

Thinking of hiring a Job Search Coach? It can be a good move.  A good job search coach can save you a lot of time and angst, and assist you in finding a better job faster!  While there is NO MAGIC PILL that can get the job done in a nano-second  – as some job seekers I’ve met would like   –   there definitely are advantages to seeking the help of someone
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On having a successful year . . . Job seeking is a tough row to hoe!  It is can be frustrating, exhausting and even painful.  Job seeker sometimes feel like they can't take one more rejection.  It can often feel like you're spinning your wheels - peddaling ferociously and getting nowhere. surround yourself with positive people surround yourself with knowledgeable people have
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Success . . . It's In the Company You Keep

The people around you can make or break your job search.   “Success . . . is in the company you keep.”  It's an old saying.  But old sayings are around for a reason . . . They make sense. It is true for practically any task or challenge you undertake, and searching for a new job is no exception. In fact, it is an understatement to say that the people around you
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What Are the Traits Successful Job Seekers Share?

There are 6 traits successful job seekers share!  Read on to discover what they are and what they do that helped them find their new job. Here are the 6 traits of successful job seekers. 1.  Successful job seekers really, really, really, really want a job  –  First and foremost, to get a job today you’ve got to really, really, really, really want a job!  Otherwise,
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Looking for a Job – Start at the Beginning

It's the beginning of a brand new year.  And it's also the beginning of a job search for many who will vow to find a new job in the new year.  To succeed, my advice . . . Begin at the beginning. The new year is a time for beginnings.  High among the resolutions of New-Years-Resolution-Makers will be to lose weight, to get in shape, and . . . . . to get a new job.    
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Bah-Humbug - Not Really, But When it Comes to Those Holiday Traditions . . . .

Spending money you don’t have     on presents you don’t want to buy           to travel to places you don’t want to go               on entertaining you don’t want to do Spending time you don't have     with people you don’t want to see         
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Managing a Job Search is Like Managing a Project

Managing an effective job search is akin to managing any important project. Whether you are beginning a new search or seeking to revitalize an ongoing search,  plan to employ the project management skills you would use on any important project in order to successfully and effectively achieve your goal. Prepare: Preparation is key to succeed at finding the job you want.  Jumping out of
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Strategy: Be Cautious When - and Where and What - You Post

Looking for a job?  Seeking a career transition?  Be very cautious about what you post.  It can -- and does - come back to you haunt you!  Take action now to prevent career casualties down the road. Recent events in the news about ill-advised photos posted on-line make the point, once again, that the on-line world is not a private place.  This has happened time and time again,
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To Vacation or Not To Vacation? . . . . . The Real Co$t of That Week Away

To Vacation or Not To Vacation . . . . . That Is One Question?  But, not the only one.  The bigger question is what is the real Co$t of that week away?  The article below discusses 3 questions to answer before deciding to go on a vacation. Question 1:  To Vacation or Not To Vacation? It's summer-time, and people take vacations --     - People in companies that you
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Don’t Go Into Business Because You Need a Job

Don’t go into business because you need a job  – Go into business because you want to be in business.  Work at getting a job if you what you REALLY want is a job! It's about that time of year when job seekers, who began their searches with great zest and zeal at the beginning of the year, grow tired and discouraged.  They’ve been at it a long time, working hard, and despite all
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6 Points-of-Contact to Make the Sale, or . . . Get the Job

Job Seeker:  “I’ve applied to over 100 companies, and not one person has gotten back to me.  What am I doing wrong?" Career Coach: “Well, that’s 1 Point of Contact.  5 to go.”                Or . . . Job Seeker:  “Well, I did what you said.  I went to the Job Fair, and followed up with everyone
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Hope is Not a Sales Strategy

"Hope is not a sales strategy"   . . . . . . .   Nor is it a job search strategy! "Hope is not a sales strategy," stated author Peter Finkelstein, head of sales strategy, Barrett Consulting.  In an article in, he offered thoughts for waging effective sales campaigns.  However, his advice also applies to job seekers who, as you as you now really know, are
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Want to Sell Yourself as the Best Candidate for the Job? . . . . . Sell the Benefits of Hiring YOU!

People Buy Benefits.   It’s true for selling . . .    -  a car,    - a house,    - a computer,    - an ink pen, or . . . .    - yourself to a prospective employer! And, what is the most frequent problem I see when it comes to job seekers’ written and verbal presentations of themselves? No benefits.  A lack of the very thing
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Want a New Job? It Starts with a New Year's Resolution

Still make New Year's Resolutions?  If you do, you have lots of company.   Millions make them, fewer achiever them.   What makes the difference?   Following up your wishes - your resolutions - with action steps and deadlines. Sounds like goal setting, doesn't it?  In fact, it is. Making a resolution, and then figuring out what you have to do, and how
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Looking for a Job - You are In Sales . . . . . . . "The Job Seeking Sales Process"

I often ask job search workshop groups I'm speaking to: “Have you ever been in sales?”       A few hands will go up.   I then ask the group:  How many of you ARE in sales?  Again, a few hands go up.I then ask:   How many of you are looking for a job?       As the light bulb goes on, all hands go up.And I say, “Well,
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End-of-the-Year Audits Work for Job Search Too

If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you always got! This simple truth works for many things in life - your job search too!  As the year winds down, and the holiday events you attend become fewer, take some time to review your job search activity to figure out where you can do a better job in order to achieve your goal -- a new job!  Before jumping into 2014 with a continuation
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Layoffs Coming? - Catch the Signs -- They're There

As employees and job seekers thoughts turn to holiday plans, employers thoughts turn to rightsizing their organizations. Catch the signs! It’s that wonderful time of year, when . . . . . the best present you could get would be a bright shiny job offer in your in-box if you're a job seeker, and a fat end-of-the-year bonus check if you're an employee. It’s also that less-than-wonderful time of
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Postponing Your Search During The Holidays -- A Bad Choice

The Holidays are upon us - keep on searching!  You'll be glad you did!   With the passing of Halloween, the holiday season arrives.  People's thoughts turn to the holidays --  plans, preparations, parties, travel . . . . . and with it, many job seekers thoughts turn to shutting down their job searches.  My advice --  don't do it! A Bad Choice As the holiday
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Bah-Humbug - Not Really, But When it Comes to Those Holiday Traditions . . . .

Spending money you don’t have     on presents you don’t want to buy           to travel to places you don’t want to go               on entertaining you don’t want to do Spending time you don't have     with people you don’t want to see         
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Tips for Returning to Work after a Long Time Out

No one said that finding a job is easy, especially today.   But it is not the impossible dream either!   If you have been searching for months with little success, read on to get some tips and strategies to re-new and re-invigorate your job search campaign and realize your dream!   If you have been out of work for a while, whether by choice or not, getting back into the
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Rev Up Your Search . . . . . to Find a Job this Fall

Have you been on the market for a while, searching for a position since summer, spring, or since 2013 began?  Even before that? Fall is here.  It's a good time to . . . . . Rev up your search! Fall . . . .  Following the passing of Labor Day, job seekers get serious about finding a new job before the year is over. . . . . .  Why?Because, companies and organizations also get
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Has Your Job Search Gone Nowhere? 6 Steps to Re-Focus and Get Back on Track

Has your job search gone nowhere?      Submitting lots of applications, sent lots of resumes, but no interviews?          Feeling discouraged and beaten up by a non-productive search?                Confused and bewildered about what to do now?               
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If You’re Not Moving Forward . . . . . You’re Falling Behind

Looking for a job is all about sales  –  You know that by now, if you have been looking through the articles, tips and tools offered via our AJC – Career Strategy website.  And you know that sales is a very action-oriented profession.  To make a sale, the smart sales person knows that every action they take, and every activity they engage in, should count toward moving them
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Vacation if You Must -- But Be Smart About It! Part 3 of a 3-part series

To Vacation or Not to Vacation ? . . . . .  That is a question that frequently comes up during a lengthy job search.   If you do decide to take time away from your search, be smart about it!  Generally, I advise job seekers to post pone taking a vacation or time away from their search if at all possible.  Why?   A job seeker runs a real risk to the productiveness
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The REAL Co$t of that Summer Vacation! Part 2 of a 3-part series

To Vacation or Not to Vacation ? . . . . .  That is a question that frequently comes up during a lengthy job search.  It can be a challenge to keep your search moving forward when the people you need to meet and network with are unavailable.  People in the companies you want to meet are on vacation.  That interview you’ve been patiently waiting for is delayed by a vacationing
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Summer Time . . . . . To Vacation or Not to Vacation? Part 1 of a 3-part series

To vacation or not to vacation ?  . . . . . That is the question that frequently comes up during a lengthy job search.  It's summer-time, and people take vacations --     - People in companies that you want to meet and network with take vacations.     - People who delay your interview by 2 or 3 weeks because they are on vacation.     
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Want a Job? . . . . . You've Got to Do the Work!

Found it! The job I've been searching for. When it comes to finding a job, you’ve got to do the work . . . . . of finding a job! The phrase,  “finding a job is a full-time job” pretty much sums it up.  If you want to find a job today, plan to work at it like it’s your real job.  If you are lucky enough to have a job, while deciding to look for a new one, then carve out
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Be Specific to Find a Job Quicker . . . . . or, A Rambling Resume Doesn't Help!

When it comes to finding a job, being specific about what you want to do gets your further faster.The more specific you are . . .  the better. Too often I see resumes from job seekers that show a whole lot of experiences in a wide array of jobs, education, training, and accolades.  These ramble on frequently for multiple pages - 5 or 6 or more.  Or, when I ask a job seeker what they
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To Find A New Job Quicker . . . Follow-up!

Over the years, I have asked many, many job seekers after they landed a new job or role:     “If you had it to do over again, what would they do differently?                Their answer:  follow up.  To find a new position quicker, follow-up is a must!  It is not enough to just submit an application or resume
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Job Search Marketing Tools

You've decided to look for a new position.  You’ve written your resume.  You are ready to go!   Right? . . . .  Wrong.  Your resume is only the first of several tools you will need to market yourself in today's employment marketplace.  After all, if finding a job is all about selling yourself  -  and it is  -- then you will need all your sales tools
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A Job Search Audit

Been at your search for a while?  A Job Search Audit can tell you how you’re doing. I advise all my job search clients, when they have been at this task for 3 or more months, to audit their search.  Performing a Job Search Audit can corroborate what you’re doing well and provides ques and clues to areas for improvement. Why?  As with the “Weekly Review,” this is another $$
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Schedule a Weekly Review . . . Weekly

How is your job search progressing?  Don’t really know!  Schedule a weekly review weekly to find out.   If you actually keep this appointment with yourself (Therein lies half the battle!) to review progress and set a schedule for the upcoming week’s work, you’ll progress further faster! Dale Carnegie, in his now classic self help book, How To Win Friends & Influence People,
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Don’t Go Into Business Because You Need a Job

Don’t go into business because you need a job  – Go into business because you want to be in business.  I often hear clients who are looking for a job say that they are thinking about starting a business.  This generally occurs after they have been searching for a job for a while and have not landed a job yet.  Seems like an option – right?  Wrong.   1. 
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Looking for a Job – Don’t start in the Middle

Begin at the Beginning Starting a job search with ONLY a resume in hand is like starting a road trip in the middle.  You haven’t prepared a route, you haven’t planned what to take, and you’re not sure where you’ll end up!  This unplanned and un-strategized approach will have you wandering aimlessly down the highway on a road trip, and doing the same thing on your route to a new
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Looking for a Job – You're in Sales!

I often ask groups, or clients, I'm speaking to: “Have you ever been in sales?”        In a group, a few hands generally go up.    I then ask the group:  How many of you ARE in sales?  Again, a few hands go up. I then ask:   How many of you are looking for a job?        As the light bulb goes on, all
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6 Traits of Successful Job Seekers

One of my clients walked into our job search team meeting one day and declared:  “Persistence.  I think it just really takes being persistent to get a job today.”  The comment started a discussion among the members of the job search team!   And, it started me thinking.  What had I noticed about the traits of successful job seekers?  What did they seem to have
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An Overview of the Prospect and Process for . . . Finding the Job You Really Want

Have you decided to look for a new job or find a new role for yourself?  If you have, I am here to tell you that you can do it! However, if you are like many of my clients, and it’s been a while since you sought a new role or job, I am also here to tell you that going about finding a job has changed.  As you begin to think about and plan your search, here are some things to think about
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